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Who Controls Your Consciousness? The Battle For Your Mind Is Real.

5 consciousness limiting myths to break free from

Brandon Evans
Published in
6 min readJan 9, 2018

Minds are like parachutes — they only function when open. — Thomas Dewar

We all like to believe we are in control. After all, we live in a “free” country where we can think and believe what we want. Right? Well…, at least we don’t live in North Korea where we will be jailed for opposing beliefs. No, our prison is far more subtle than that.

Our prison is surrounded by an invisible fence to give the appearance of total freedom. In reality, the government is deciding exactly how far we can explore. They are not restricting exploration in physical space. Instead, they are doing so to something far more essential to our freedom, our consciousness.

There is perhaps nothing more our own than our consciousness. To put controls on where our mind is free to explore seems unthinkable. This is our reality. It is how the government, serving big banks and big business, keeps the power structure in tact.

By understanding the myths we are repeatedly told, you can break free and achieve greater levels of joy than you believe possible. I focus here on 5 of the biggest myths we are sold. I wrote about how I began to break free of these myths in my first post, Lost on Purpose.

Perhaps nothing is better evidence of the government’s desires than our drug laws. With virtually no exceptions, the drugs that limit consciousness and keep us docile are legal. These include liquor, opioids, valium, anti-depressants and many other prescription drugs.

On the other end of the spectrum are plant medicines. These include psilocybin mushrooms, ayahuasca, san pedro and others. Most of these medicines have been used for centuries to cure mental and physical ailments with minimal adverse effects. Government propaganda would have you believe that psychedelic drugs can make you go crazy. In reality the opposite is being found true. Recent research is confirming the powerful effect these medicines have in treating depression, PTSD, and even cancer.

And those who were seen dancing were called insane by those who could not hear the music — Nietzsche

Fortunately, we are starting to see a shift. People are waking up all over the world. A variety of ancient and modern day tools are focused on helping people get out of the box that restricts them from seeing and understanding their true purpose.

Once more awake, people can start to see the myths that governments prop up in order to maintain control and the status quo. This higher consciousness will help lead us to a world of peace and collective fulfillment.

It is for this reason that I launched a retreat with my best friend called 1heart Journeys. We will be bringing top startup entrepreneurs to Costa Rica at the world’s first medically licensed ayahuasca retreat. As leaders become more conscious and build businesses that reflect their more awakened state, this will be amplified throughout society.

As our collective consciousness continues to expand, every one of us has the power to break free. We can see beyond the many stories and myths ingrained in us as fact by our society.

Five myths that, once debunked, will transform our world:

Don’t remind the world that it is sick and troubled. Remind it that it is beautiful and free. — Mooji

#1 | We need a War on “Drugs” — If public safety was truly the underlying motive here, cigarettes, alcohol and opioids would be made illegal tomorrow. These are the three most deadly drugs in our country. Instead, the War on “Drugs” began as a way to control groups that the government felt to be dangerous (hippies and blacks) as admitted by a top Nixon aid.

By criminalizing drugs as harmless as marijuana (0 deaths in 2015), the Nixon administration was able to disrupt these two opposing voices. There is no logical rational, outside of population control, for throwing people in prison for marijuana or mushrooms, as large public liquor and pharmaceutical companies sell their harmful products to addicts lawfully.

Our societal definition of “drugs” is hazy at best. It’s dangerous to group anything so broadly. Fortunately, we are starting to relearn what ancient civilizations have know for thousands of years. We have been given some amazing tools to explore and evolve our own consciousness safely.

#2 | The world is increasingly dangerous — Despite what the Trump administration and mass media would have you believe, we are living in the most peaceful time in history. Given all the sensational 24-hour news coverage and Barnum and Bailey style politicians, this can be hard to believe. But, the reality is virtually every form of violent crime/death is significantly lower than in any period of prior history.

Yes, the world is becoming less dangerous not more. But fear is the greatest propaganda tool that governments use. The more violence people see, the more we approve of increased military spend or a reduction in our personal privacy and the more we seek dependence on government.

The opposite of fear is love. When we look at the world as a loving, welcoming place, what we spend our resources on shifts drastically.

#3 | The world is scarce — Mirroring the danger myth is the myth of scarcity. Scarcity also creates fear and an us vs. them mentality. But scarcity is a myth. Take food for instance. We produce enough food for ten billion people, yet one billion people go hungry.

“The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.” — Gandhi

The reality is the world is abundant. But, focusing on lack and creating a scapegoat (e.g. immigrants) is one of government’s oldest tricks. It is behind every genocide, every war and much of public policy. Can the richest country in the world really not provide health care for all its citizens? Of course we can. But, because of a scarcity mindset, the ultra wealthy feel they need to stockpile hoards of cash that can’t be spent in ten generations.

When we view life from abundance over scarcity, we create win-win solutions vs. those with a clear winner and loser.

#4 | The American “Dream” — You can’t hear a politician speak without evoking the good ‘ole American dream. But what really is that dream? The American Dream has come to stand for being able to come to this country, work your butt off for most of your life, and then send your kids to college or some life deemed “better”.

Sure, we should all aspire to create a better life for our children. But the best way to do that is to show them what a life of happiness and fulfillment looks like. Dedicating ourselves to our work for some future payoff is a great way to keep people in the system. If we realize that we can have much of we want today, we are far more free from control.

Ultimately we choose our own happiness and the only moment it can occur is in the present. When we dream less and live more, we experience true freedom.

#5 | Death is to be feared — Death is said to be the mother of all fears. All our fears track back to a fear of death. To most, death represents our impermanence and mortality. Much of this fear comes from our ego’s identification with a separate self. When we view ourselves as disconnected from the collective self then we experience loss and finality.

One of plant medicine’s many gifts is to enable us to begin to overcome this great fear. As we start to understand that we are all connected, all one, then death cannot truly exist. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. This body is neither the beginning nor the end.

Without deeper spiritual exploration (and even with it), this can be a tough myth to overcome. If we were all to one day recognize it, our world would be forever changed. The other myths would cease to exist and the separation we feel would be gone.

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. — Jamie Paolinetti

It is truly an amazing time to be alive. For the first time scientists are studying consciousness, a subject previously believed to contradict with science itself. Our next major land of discovery may not be outer space, but our own inner space. As part of a collective conscious, we each hold the answers to life’s biggest questions.

Each person will find their way to the exploration of their own consciousness when ready. It’s critical that once ready, each has the information and tools that enable them to explore what is rightfully their own. Afterall, if our consciousness is not our own, what can we say is?

Are you an entrepreneur? Join us for a mind & heart expanding retreat in Costa Rica with fifty fellow entrepreneurs and amazing humans.

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Published in Mission.org

A network of business & tech podcasts designed to accelerate learning.

Brandon Evans
Brandon Evans

Written by Brandon Evans

Recovering Type A | Aspiring Type Be | Chief Elevation Officer + Founder @ 1heart.com | Coach & Guide to Heart-Led Entrepreneurs | brandonevans.be

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